White Cuib Gallery in Cluj Napoca is hosting the Lost Paradise exhibition of Bartha József between April 29 to May 25. The project Lost Paradise and personal experiences working with pulses opposite the current state of society, the concentration of powers in it and limit the autonomy and capacity of the individual / community. Factors contributing to this social disillusionment are found in political apathy, characteristic of the period, the failure promise in capturing the phenomenon of critics of capitalism, unable to think in any other system.
In these works, criticism feature highly energetic artist József Bartha turns, getting a personal and reflective tone, giving rise to an emotional and poetic high sensitivity within materiality.
The so called "cocktails" elegant aestheticism is actually built on the ruins of activity (true agency) and the possibility of any change actions, stopping the system. However, it appears the reason of bourgeois nostalgia for a lost world.
The installation is joined by another work that starts from the same basic emotions: melancholy almost resonates with the inaccessibility to the changes and social objectives. Ophthalmic anchor panels in position regarding the artist, observer, "read" the signs society, emphasizing passivity, but at the same time embodied experience (embodied) of this position.
What is so Paradise, or ideal state of society? It might be a situation where we have reason to hope or reason to revolt? Or it when it is clear and obvious what to do, you do not have to choose between thousands of possibilities are actually broadly similar?
Personally, I enjoyed very much the fact that all of the glass bottles that were used to make the "cocktail" were very different between them. There were not two or more bottles that looked the same. Each one of them had a unique form, shape, size and even different color of liquid in it. The bottles were very old and made you think about grandmother's glass cabinets full with ceramic animals and glass bottles shaped just like those in the exhibition. So the exhibition can also give the feeling of thinking to the loved ones that maybe are not with us anymore.
I think the exhibition even if confined to a small place, was very intense and complex and well-structured, and I consider it my favorite at the moment. To conclude, I think this exhibition was that kind that you could photograph from every corner/perspective and it would still look amazing in every picture. Like, you cannot take a bad photograph of these beautiful shiny glass bottles.
More info about the artist: József Bartha (1960) lives and works in Targu Mures is a visual artist, designer, curator, lecturer at the University of Arts in Targu Mures. It is the initiator and organizer of several national and international projects of contemporary art. He is also founder and president of the Foundation ARTeast and contemporary art space B5 Studio in Tg. Mures. Studies at the Institute of Fine Arts in Cluj (1987) and the University of Arts in Budapest (DLA 2012). In 1996 he won a scholarship ArtsLink in the USA, and in 2005 received a grant from Boswell Art Committee in Switzerland. József Bartha's conceptual works include installations, video installations and artistic interventions. He had personal exhibitions in Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic and USA. He participated in many group exhibitions at home and abroad.
As a designer, since 1992 collaborator of director László Bocsárdi, also worked with other directors, as Radu Afrim, Sardar Tagirovsky Olga Barabás or Alexandru Dabija. In addition to several national and international awards for set design in 2014 won UNITER award for best set design.