Nov 5, 2015

A Romanian writer recognized to have an international best-seller novel, by Alexandra Burtiuc

Eugen Ovidiu Chirovici is a 51 years old Romanian writer, who few years ago went in UK and settled there. He started to write a novel, which is called The book of mirrors, in February, 2014. It is a crime novel, but it is fascinating because of its concept: how imagination transforms our memory, and how sometimes it gives us the feeling that we did or saw something that we actually did not. Eugen says that it is possible that our imagination may change the immediate objective reality into our own separate reality. This idea came to him in a conversation with his mother, who told him about a funeral that took place a long time ago, therefore the memories that he recalled about it are just things that he heard of, because he was too young to having been there, and he did not attend that funeral.
And this was the seed of his novel.C:\Users\Ale\Desktop\Eugen-Ovidiu-Chirovici.jpg
After the manuscript was ready, he decided to contact some of the agencies that could edit it. But, unfortunately, he got rejected without any clear answer. Because of this, he decided to send the manuscript to a smaller agency. After two days he was contacted by a man, named Robert Peett, the director of the agency, who told him that he loved the novel, but it was too good for his agency.
Of course, Chirovici thought that Robert Peett was making fun of him. But he was not. He insisted that this novel should be published by a big agency, due to its potential. Robert convinced Eugen to send his novel again to the biggest agencies. The very next day, Eugen sent the manuscript to an agency called  Marilia Savvides of Peters, Fraser, Dunlop. They asked for the full version of the manuscript after two days, and after another three days they accepted to publish the novel.
Eugen remained skeptical about everything that happened to him but in less than a week, they received very good offers from about ten countries. This time, Eugen was not skeptical anymore. He knew that everything was real, even if it happened so fast, but he was happy that his novel was so wanted. Now, The book of mirrors is translated in French, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, German, and the Romanian translation is in full process.

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