Feb 23, 2016

Metropolitan Museum of Art's new logo revealed, by Gabriel Buturka

  Who knew that a logo could cause such controversy?

  The Metropolitan Museum of Art's new official design, which generates strong negative reaction this week, is part of a larger rebranding effort that the museum says is meant to signal a more welcoming, accessible, current institution.

  The Metropolitan Museum of Art has a new logo: two short words -“ THE MET ” - in red lettering. The logo, along with new maps and signs, is part of a campaign to make the Met “feel more available and accessible to first-time as well as frequent visitors,” according to a museum spokesperson. The new designs also coincide with the Met’s expansion into Met Breuer, the Upper East Side building previously occupied by the Whitney Museum
' The new logo no longer relies on symbols and instead is based on the commonly used name ' The Met ' which has an immediacy that speaks to all audiences ' the museum said.
   The current logo – which features the letter 'M' and was based on a woodcut by Fra Luca Pacioli, who taught mathematics to Leonardo Da Vinci – has been in use since 1971. Because it was featured for decades on every admission button, the symbol became visually identified with the Met.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art logo 1971

The iconic Met 'M' was actually drawn from the museum collection, from the ' Divina proportione ' woodcut in the Renaissance  era book by Fra Luca Pacioli, design after Leonardo da Vinci. The design, which overlays the letter M on top of a circle and a square, with smaller circles resting on each serif, recalls Leonardo's famous 'Vitruvian Man ' drawing with its proportional geometry.
The new logo was designed by the firm Wolff Olins, part of a two-year project with the Met to rethink the museum’s approach to the public.
They were really wanting to kick off an active effort to expand the reach and relevance of the Met,” said Amy Lee, the strategy director at Wolff Olins. “One of the amazing things about the Met is its incredible breadth and depth covering over 5,000 years of art across cultures. That is a huge asset, but it’s also quite a big challenge for them. Many people who encounter the Met can be overwhelmed by it; it can be quite hard to navigate.”
Ms. Lee also said her firm consulted with an advisory committee of nearly 30 museum employees from different departments ranging from curatorial to visitor experience. The design featuring conjoined letters grew out of the theme of connection, and the font is meant to be both classical and modern.

Not everyone shares enthusiasm for the new look, which was supposed to have been announced on March 1:
In capital letters: ATROCIOUS,” said the prominent designer Karim Rashid. “We’re talking here about a museum that’s all about history. So the best thing they could do is hang on to keeping their mark — or their logo — historic.”
“I’m one for change, but there’s places to do change and there’s places not to do change,” Mr. Rashid, said. “Museums don’t need to be fashionable.”

  Pulitzer Prize-winning music and architecture critic Justin Davidson described the logo as “two short words printed in scarlet letters, stacked and squashed together. The whole ensemble looks like a red double-decker bus that has stopped short, shoving the passengers into each other’s backs.”

Sony World Photography Awards exhibition at Cluj Napoca by Gabriel Buturka

   The best pictures in the world , awarded by the Sony World Photography Awards ( SWPA ) , the highest profile global competition , will be on display starting   February 23, 2016 at Iulius Mall in Cluj Napoca and in Salina Turda .

 Last year set a new record of participation in the biggest competition in the world of photography . The pictures , which can be seen Tuesday at Iulius Mall Cluj -Napoca , are chosen from over 173 000 entries from 171 countries. The exhibition in Cluj -Napoca  brings the works exhibited in London, including two awarded Romanian photographers and photographs.

Among the photos on display the series of pictures from  "Camera intimată " , made by Cosmin Bumbuţ , which is the winner of the 'Photographer of the Year " at the architecture department  at SWPA 2015 will  be included. The series of images consist in photographs made in 35 prisons from Romania .

" Sony World Photography Award is the most important award  that I won in my career.  I am glad that the photos from the project have been appreciated internationally, especially since I started this series, in 2008,  I wondered how it will be received and understood. Intimate room is a space of love and tenderness ,  which at the same time cancels the idea of intimacy.'' said Cosmin Bumbuţ.

   The exhibition will also display the  picture  Chosen sheep  by Auraş Mihaiu , the  winner of the National Award Romania.

   Sony World Photography Awards is the largest competition in the world of photography . At last year's edition , the eighth , a record number of entries  was registered, 173 444 out of 171 countries, with an increase of 24 % over the previous year.

Calling attention to the refugee crisis through art, by Ana Cretiu

Ai Weiwei's latest art performance
Ai Weiwei, a Chinese dissident artist and activist known for his critical view of the Chinese government and use of art to comment on human rights issues, has a new cause.
Addressing the refugee crisis, Ai wrapped 14,000 refugee life jackets around the five columns of Berlin’s Konzerthaus to highlight the increasing number of people risking their lives to reach Europe in search of refuge from conflict and hardship.
The temporary art installation, created for the Cinema of Peace Gala – of which the artist is the honorary jury president – collected the life jackets from refugees who crossed the Mediterranean Sea from Turkey to reach the Greek island of Lesbos. His work aims to draw attention to the ongoing humanitarian crisis and the people struggling to reach safety, using the mass of life vests to highlight the many lives changed in the crisis. It points to the sobering fact that over 400 people have died attempting the same journey since only the beginning of 2016.
Ai has been documenting the refugee crisis via Instagram, showing the human faces of an issue that demands ever more urgent action. Speaking in a recent interview about his response to the crisis, Ai said, “I’m ready for anything as long as I can generate discussion on this issue. If I can use being in the spotlight to highlight what’s happening in Lesbos, then that’s a starting point.”

Radu Pulbere & The Body as a Wanderer, by Ana Cretiu

The Romanian painter opens his 9th solo exhibition on the 25th of February

The Art Museum of Cluj-Napoca will host, starting February 25, a series of works by the local painter Radu Pulbere. Containing works from 2014 and 2015, the series bears the name Rătăcirile trupului (The Body as a Wanderer).
Radu Pulbere was born in 1963 in Cluj-Napoca, the city he still lives in today. Throughout his experience as an artist, he had displayed his works both in group exhibitions and in solo shows, all throughout Europe. "Rătăcirile trupului" marks the 9th solo show of his career and the 4th one in Cluj-Napoca.
The viewer must know that when talking about the body, the artist refers to more than the human form, he thinks about shapes, objects, and nature, aspects that ultimately come together as one.  The quest for the union is when the body wonders, but the wanderer is, initially, the artist, for he is the one that needs to find a way, the way of relating to his art. Afterward, the wanderer becomes the viewer who is challenged by the same questions, but whose answer will always be different.
The exhibition opens Thursday, 25th of February 18:00 at the Art Museum of Cluj-Napoca and awaits visitors until the 21st of March.

Ana Cretiu ITA an I

Feb 15, 2016


Orele se desfășoară în acest semestru miercuri, de la 13 la 15, din 2 în 2 săptămâni, împreună cu secția Grafică. Dat fiind acest lucru, trebuie să revin asupra celor convenite. Prin urmare:
- aveți în continuare de prezentat cele 2 + 2 știri în modalitatea deja cunoscută, dar conform programării acesteia:

24 febr. +  6 aprilie: Buțurcă + Crețiu
+ Tinca (6 aprilie)
9 martie + 4 mai: Dănilă + Dobrițan
 + Palagyi (4 mai)
23 martie: Palagyi + Tinca

- anterior (până duminica dinaintea prezentării) îmi veți  trimite pe mail știrile (cu imaginile respective)

- în data prezentării veți avea textul și imaginile pe USB și printate
- Alexandra Burtiuc va prezenta știrile la orele cu DV : 2 martie și 11 mai
- convenția privind prezența rămâne valabilă (absolut obligatorie în data prezentării!!!)