Feb 23, 2016

Radu Pulbere & The Body as a Wanderer, by Ana Cretiu

The Romanian painter opens his 9th solo exhibition on the 25th of February

The Art Museum of Cluj-Napoca will host, starting February 25, a series of works by the local painter Radu Pulbere. Containing works from 2014 and 2015, the series bears the name Rătăcirile trupului (The Body as a Wanderer).
Radu Pulbere was born in 1963 in Cluj-Napoca, the city he still lives in today. Throughout his experience as an artist, he had displayed his works both in group exhibitions and in solo shows, all throughout Europe. "Rătăcirile trupului" marks the 9th solo show of his career and the 4th one in Cluj-Napoca.
The viewer must know that when talking about the body, the artist refers to more than the human form, he thinks about shapes, objects, and nature, aspects that ultimately come together as one.  The quest for the union is when the body wonders, but the wanderer is, initially, the artist, for he is the one that needs to find a way, the way of relating to his art. Afterward, the wanderer becomes the viewer who is challenged by the same questions, but whose answer will always be different.
The exhibition opens Thursday, 25th of February 18:00 at the Art Museum of Cluj-Napoca and awaits visitors until the 21st of March.

Ana Cretiu ITA an I

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