Between the 7th of December 2017 and 8th of January 2018 the
Art Museum of Cluj-Napoca is going to host the exhibition called “Imagini ale
țiganilor în colecția Muzeului de Artă Cluj-Napoca” (“Images of Gypsies in the
collection of Cluj-Napoca’s Art Museum”). The
show will be opened by its curator, doctor Ioana Filipescu on the 7th of
December, at 6 PM.
The artworks are from both the nineteenth and the twentieth
centuries. They are made by such famous and important artists as Theodor Aman, Nicolae Grigorescu, Kőváry Endre,
Constantin Stahi, Walter Rudolf Widmann, Nicolae Vermont, Alexandru Popp, Papp
Lajos, Ștefan Dimitrescu and Cecilia Cuțescu- Storck.

The exhibition comemorates this minority, present in Europe
for so many centuries, which has been seen by artists as a controversial
subject. It has been represented multiple times in different artworks due to
its ambivalent significance which embodies both
a sense of freedom (due to their picturesque lifestyle) and slavery (due
to their tragical history).
Anyone who is at least a bit curious about art or would like
an insight of the Gypsies’ lifestyle, seen through the eyes of these painters,
is more than welcome to come and see the exhibition! We promise, you will not
be disappointed! See you there!
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